Every Never After by Lesley Livingston

every_Never Oh my goodness!!! Really??? You can’t leave me hanging like that!  That is just totally unfair!  Just when everything was happening and coming to a close – BAM! – I feel like I was dropped in one of those time warps!  So when is the next one coming out?? Soon I hope?

A great second read in the NEVER trilogy.  I’ll admit it has been a long time since I read Once Every Never – turns out it was July 2011 and yes I had forgotten some of the book  – but Lesley did a great job at throwing in relevant bits and pieces of it in this book.  I usually hate it when authors do that – but it was seamless here and perfect!  Brought me up to speed when I needed it!.

So what is this about?  It’s a continuation of Allie and Clare’s summer in England with Clare’s aunt Maggie.  They’re now off to an archaeological dig site, one that should not have any lingering magic around.  Ha!  Leave it to these 2 to find it and continue on their journey with time-warping and such.  I don’t want to give too much away – but it’s a GREAT story!  As I’d mentioned in my previous post I really enjoy authors who find a new line of stories – especially ones that I have yet to read.  Going back in time, shimmering, and meeting up with historical figures – is just cool!  Keep them coming 🙂

The one aspect of this book that I found really fun were the “self-conversations” both Al and Clare were having.  They are in the midst of making a decision and they’re both struggling with their inner-thoughts.  At one point, when Al was trying to escape and she sees Marcus in the river..  I just love her thoughts and how she struggles with what she sees and what she thinks she should be thinking or feeling.  Hilarious!!  But I believe a true reflection of what most 16-17 yr olds do 🙂

…and NO I’m not being biased!  Yes I’ve noted in previous posts that I love Canadian authors and maybe I enjoy their works more because of that – nope not here!  I just loved this story!  And I’ll also admit I did NOT like how it ended – completely up in the air!  Ugh!!!  What happened???  I cannot wait so I really hope the 3rd installment is due out fairly soon…  PLEASE!!!!

Highly recommended
Ages: 14 and up

Favourite quote(s):

“The find was deemed interesting enough to round up the usual bunch of pasty-white library lurkers and send them out into the field to soak up some vitamin D.”   (p. 12)

” ‘…What did Al tell you to tell me to tell her so she can tell you what to do because you told me to tell her so?’ ”        (p.173)

Livingston, Lesley. (2013). Every Never After. Netgalley.

Author website:  http://lesleylivingston.blogspot.ca/

The Girl in the Wall by Daphne Benedis-Grab

GIrl_in_the_Wall Yeowsers! Kept me on my toes and feeling very anxious!  Another awesome, awesome read!  I was so worried when I asked for a number of books from NetGalley and was accepted for them – I never thought I’d be able to read through them but when they are winners like The Girl in the Wall what was I worried about?

It’s been awhile since I’ve read a story with 2 perspectives, in this case, Ariel and Sera.  It was very well done and I love how we were able to see the 2 sides to the situation they were in AND the 2 sides to their personal conflict!  So what happened????  Sera and Ariel were bet friends until THE event – then Sera was treated as if she was dropped off the face of the earth.  On Ariel’s 17th birthday party, things go wrong, VERY VERY wrong, and it’s really up to Sera to save Ariel again.

This was a fast-paced story that NEVER let me go.  I still cannot imagine half of the things that happened really happening – but in this day and age – anything’s possible.  Sorry for the vagueness but I don’t want to give away too much of the plot – because that’s what makes this a great story!

Highly recommended
Ages: 14 and up

Favourite quote(s):

Yes another one where I didn’t capture any quotes – I was so taken in by the story that nothing popped out at me.

Benedis-Grab, Daphe. (2012). The Girl In The Wall. Merit Press.  NetGalley

Author website:  http://www.daphnebg.com/

Tempestuous by Kim Askew and Amy Helmes

tempestuous_askewA fantastic read!  Fast-paced with unexpected turns along the way!  Imagine being removed from the top echelon of the popular group or rather being kicked-off, banished to work at a hotdog stand to fulfill some of your punishment, then getting snowed-in at the mall with your ex-friends and a thief on the loose.  What a great premise for a great story!  Miranda is a problem-fixer, everyone who works in the food court comes to her with their problems and somehow she is able to fix them and make everything rosy – wIth the exception of her own problems.  Let’s throw in a pair of handcuffs – love it!  A joke that ended up leaving Miranda cuffed to Caleb for the night.  Too funny!

The situations that these kids were able to get themselves into and out of were fantastic!  A very MacGyveresque story.  I have to admit I think I would have really enjoyed some of the events they put on during the night.  Throw in a little mystery and intrigue, it was a perfect read!

On a more serious note, I truly enjoyed Miranda’s awakening, if I can be so bold to call it that.  Working hard to create the best birthday party and night for her co-worker and being handcuffed to Caleb, provided her with opportunities to see who she really was and who she really is.  It was not preachy in any way, shape or form, it really came out naturally.

Hmm…  can you tell I really liked it!  Guess what I will also be highly recommending this one!  A great overall read that held my attention – read it in one sitting 🙂

Highly recommended
Ages: 14 and up

Favourite quote(s):

“This may just seem like a tempest in a teapot for you, but it’s about a lot more than a party – …”  (p. 55)

” ‘ Yo, Einstein, we lost cell reception about two hours ago.  Why else do you think we’re all sitting here bored shitless?  The ability for anyone in our generation to self-amuse has sadly been bred out of our species.  I blame Bill Gates.  What I wouldn’t give for a lame game of Words with Friends right about now.’ ”   (p. 59)

“… He’d taken me to task at times throughout the night, but his challenges seemed rooted in the belief that I was capable of more.”      (p. 180).

Asken, Kim and Helmes, Amy.  (2012). Tempestuous: A twisted Lit Novel.  Merit Press: Netgalley.com

Celtic Run by Sean Vogel

Celtic_Run Oh WOW! Read this in one sitting!  Loved it!!!  It grabbed me during the first few pages and just never let me go.  Doesn’t fall into the genre that I’ve been reading lately – but just loved it!  Mystery and action and an all-round wonderful story!

Three young adults head over to Ireland for the summer on a school trip – to find their heritage.  What they find is a treasure hunt!  Yes very much like the Indiana Jones as Julie kept saying in the book.  But there was just so much more to this story – 2 young lads really coming into their own.  Jake who experienced a terrible loss and is struggling to find his life again – desperate to go back to the good times he had with this Dad.  Zach, who we later discover, is also struggling, with a strong father with very strong opinions of what his son WILL do. Their experiences throughout the summer teach them so much and I had so much fun running around the Irish countryside with them.

The story was an adventure where the kids went on a treasure hunt, were hunted down by the bad guys and encountered a lot of fun roadblocks along the way.  I think what I really enjoyed about the book was the happy ending!  Love it!!!

A fun and lovely story.  Will be keeping my eye out for more 🙂

Highly recommended
Ages: 12 and up

Favourite quote(s):

“Grabbing a cart, Jake tore through the store.  He ran up and down the aisles as if he were a contestant on that old Supermarket Sweep game show…..” (p.98)

I have to add here that this quote brought back a lot of memories for me – sitting on our couch with my first newborn….

Celtic Run. A clan saying.  It means ‘a good run is better than a bad stand.’ ”   (p. 126)

Really enjoyed how the author defined the title of the book for us!

Vogel, Sean. (2012). Celtic Run. MB Publishing. Netgalley.
Author website:  http://www.seanvogel.com/

Entangled by Nikki Jefford

Entangled A very interesting story…. and one that got really good near the end.  I’m sorry but it really took me a LONG time to get really interested in this read.  It started off a bit slow by showcasing the 2 individuals and then BOOM! the switch was done – but I was kind of left dangling – really unsure as to what was happening for a long time.  Then the storyline did get more interesting for me – but it only REALLY picked up near the end and I’ll admit that the ending just kind of ended.  I was hoping for more and it never happened.

Yes it was funny when you thought about how one twin could really mess things up for the second.  How 2 identical twin sister could be SO different…  It was also a really neat opportunity for a sister to learn more about her twin.  Wonder whether all twins would like to be able to do 🙂  It’s also scary how one sister can have so much control, fear her twin and well…  don’t want to add any spoilers here – but those that have read it know what I mean…

I’m learning that as I read more I learn what really drives me as a reader.  While reading this particular book I realized that I need that mystery and intrigue and I need it right near the beginning to really keep me going.  I also realize that once you create that mystery/intrigue I really need you to drive it in order to keep me interested and curious.  I did enjoy the premise behind this book but it really didn’t keep me as intrigued as I was hoping it would.

A nice read.

Favourite quote(s):

Now isn’t this awkward – nothing popped out at me as I read through this.  Ah it happens more often than I realize – when I look back at my reviews.

Jefford, NIkki. (2012). Entangled.  eGalley from NetGalley
Author website:  http://www.nikkijefford.com/

Lichgates: Book One of the Grimoire Trilogy by S.M. Boyce

lichgatesWhat a great and fun story!  I was very intrigued by the initial write-up I saw on this book and it met my expectations.  I’ll admit I was hoping for a bit more to happen between Kara and Braeden – but it looks like we might be heading in that direction in the next couple of books in the series – so I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Lichgates are portals between the different sects of Ourea, a magical kingdom that Kara happens to fall in – literally.  Turns out that she now belongs to this world and is The Vagabond, a character with the great responsibility of bringing peace and reuniting the different parts of the Ourea world.  It’s a fun world to read through and I really enjoyed the description of the worlds and enjoyed how different yet similar all the people were.

One aspect of the story that I really enjoyed and appreciated was the development of the Kara character.  Starting from a scared, unsure College student and developing into  someone who is much more sure of herself and is willing to take the risks despite the danger to herself.  Living through the tragedies in her life and being thrown into an unknown and dangerous world may have played a role here – but it could have been just as easy to develop this character as a female who depends on a male protagonist – and I love how that just hasn’t happened!

Ages: 12 and up

Favourite quote(s):

” ‘…Do you know what its clover symbol means?’
… The Vagabond told me once that it represents the four primary roads you can take in life: happiness, hatred, success, and failure…’:  (p. 57)

” ‘ The world goes on, boy, despite how desperately we may want it to stop for just a moment so we can catch our breath.’      (p. 155)

Boyce, S.M. (2011) Lichgates: Book One of the Grimoire Trilogy.  Galley downloaded from NetGalley.com

Author website:  http://www.smboyce.com/
Book website:  http://www.thegrimoirebooks.com/

2013 YA Contemporary Challenge


One more for tonight 🙂  The YA Contemporary Challenge…  THis is another “genre” that I really do enjoy and think it will be fun to add my name to this challenge!

For more information on the Challenge please visit the host blog, Katie’s Book Blog

My goal is to reach 10+ books.  I will add them here as I read them along with a link to its review.  I don’t have any books to add to my list at the moment – but I will.

Looking forward to meeting fellow challenge bloggers 🙂  Happy Reading all!

  1. Tempestuous by Kim Askew and Amy Helmes
  2. The Girl In The Wall by Daphne Benedis-Grab

2013 Ebook Challenge


My second Reading Challenge for 2013.

For more information on this particular Challenge checkout the hosting blog, Workday Reads.

My personal goal will be to reach the DVD level and read 25 ebooks this coming year.  Stay tuned as I provide reviews to the ebooks I read 🙂

Happy Reading!

Ebooks I’m reading or have read:

  1. Lichgates by S.M. Boyce
  2. Entangled by Nikki Jefford
  3. Celtic Run by Sean Vogel
  4. Tempestuous by Kim Askew and Amy Helmes
  5. The Girl In The Wall by Daphne Benedis-Grab
  6. Every Never After by Lesley Livingston
  7. The Sweetest Dark by Shana Abé
  8. Sneak by Evan Angler

2013 NetGalley Reading Challenge

2013 NG Button

Ah my first Reading Challenge of 2013 🙂

Checkout the Challenge details at Red House Books

My goal is to reach the Green Star  11-20 NetGalley books in 2013.  So far I have 6 downloaded and started reading my first.

Looking forward to meeting fellow NG bloggers 🙂

Galleys I’m reading or have read:

  1. Lichgates by S.M. Boyce
  2. Entangled by Nikki Jefford
  3. Celtic Run by Sean Vogel
  4. Tempestuous by Kim Askew and Amy Helmes
  5. The Girl In The Wall by Daphne Benedis-Grab
  6. Every Never After by Lesley Livingston
  7. The Sweetest Dark by Shana Abé
  8. Sneak by Evan Angler

Tricks by Ellen Hopkins

tricks_Ellen_HopkinsOh how I really enjoy Ellen Hopkins’ writing!  The way her verse is shaped (literally), how there are meanings beyond the verse – kind of like a poem within a poem, how she links one character to another by carrying the theme over…  Oh I could go on!  Every time I read one of her books there’s a new facet to it that I seek out.  OK I was NEVER an english fan – but have any of these books been used in a high school english class?  There is a lot to learn in these.  Oh I know…  I’m sure parents would have issues with the topics at hand – but you know as a parent myself, I learn a lot through these stories!

Tricks follows the lives of 5 teenagers looking for love – when it comes down to it.  Unfortunately they all find it in the wrong places – oh so sorry that is SO cliché but true in this case.  Their stories are sad and exciting at the same time.  Somehow, in the end – there’s a link between them all – just love how the author was able to pull that together.

As with the other Ellen Hopkins’ books I have read – I would highly recommend this book – although I would not want to see it read by the younger teens – 12-14 but… having said that and remembering the inspiration for writing this novel in the first place – “Did you know that the average age of female prostitution in the United States is twelve years old?” maybe the younger teens who are mature enough should be reading this book.  I don’t know it’s a hard one to call.  Looking back at my girls – I want them to be aware of the traps but I don’t think they were mature enough at 12-14 to read something like this.  I guess in the end it always comes down to the individual reader….

Highly recommended
Ages: 16 and up

Favourite quote(s):

This is a tough one – since I REALLY enjoyed it all!  My favourite parts are the initial poems by each of the characters and the side poem within each.  I will not transcribe the entire one here – but will simply copy the last one – which I believe summarizes the book very nicely!






all.”  (p. 625)

Hopkins, Ellen. (2009). Tricks.  Margaret K. McElderry Books: Toronto.

Author website:  http://ellenhopkins.com/